Absolute Luxury Gift Basket

Absolute Luxury Gift Basket


Indulge that special someone with the ultimate in absolute luxury. Our premium pamper gift box is filled with carefully curated items designed to treat and spoil. From a soothing candle and nourishing hand cream to refreshing soap and luxury gourmet treats, every element is crafted to enhance relaxation and provide an unforgettable experience. To top it off, we’ve included an on-trend can of rosé wine—the perfect touch of elegance and fun.

  • Crispy Rice Wafers
  • Hand Towel
  • George & Edi In Bloom Candle or Flowing Soap
  • George & Edi Hand Cream In Bloom
  • George & Edi Soap
  • The Uncommon Can Wine
  • Sugar Almonds or Chocolate Raisins
  • Bubbly Bears

Please Note: If for any reason one of the products included in this gift becomes out of stock, we will replace it with another item of equal or greater value.

  • Presented in a natural gift basket with a message on a gift card.