Lettuce Puzzle - Baking Biscuits Lettuce Puzzle - Baking Biscuits
Lettuce Puzzle - Baking Biscuits Lettuce Puzzle - Baking Biscuits

Lettuce Puzzle - Baking Biscuits


The Baking Biscuits Puzzle: A Sweet Family Adventure

Nothing says weekend fun like a family baking session! With the Baking Biscuits puzzle, dive into a delightful snapshot of the chaos and joy that fills the kitchen during a children's baking spree. 

Perfect for family gatherings or a lazy weekend indoors, the Baking Biscuits puzzle is a sweet way to spend quality time and create lasting memories


  • Lettuce | 300 Piece Puzzle | Baking Biscuits
  • Gift wrapped with a message on a gift card